Steering Committee

These are your 2025 Steering Committee members!
They work year-round to plan the Rally and are responsible for making sure participants have an amazing experience.

To contact anyone on this page see their email addresses below,
or Click Here and fill out the form.

  • Thrilled to back on the Friends For Life Bike Rally for the 8th time, I am ready to get on a new saddle as your incoming Co-Chair for the 27th Ride! My commitment to the Bike Rally stems from my dedication to the PWA agency and the work that they do to support those living with HIV/AIDS. As a POZ person living with HIV, I understand the daily STIGMA and subtle discrimination that sadly still exists – even though Undetectable = Untransmissible!


    Being part of the F4LBR over the years allows me to be honest, proud and lead as part of the solution to living in a world where I’ll see medications will be FREE, infection rates will disappear, criminalization will end and our focus will remain on assisting those who will be aging with this insidious chronic illness. Until that happens, we need PWA and the services they provide to those who are marginalized within our system and need guidance and support to bring dignity to their lives.

     Whether you’re a rider, crew or donor,  know that your engagement with this annual magical journey is an honour. The Bike Rally is a herculean feat of grit, perseverance and will by all those committed to the cause. As your Co-Chair, along with Ariel and Robb, I welcome you to our family of generous hearts, open-minds and friends for life!

  • This is my 19th year participating in the Friends for Life Bike Rally. I started on crew as a Rustler, became a Rider, and over the years I’ve been a member of the Steering Committee and a Team Captain. This is my third term as the Co-Chair, and I’m excited for what we can do together. It’s truly an honour and privilege to be part of an initiative that changes lives, helps people in need, and creates meaningful friendships for life. Being part of this community and giving back has changed my life. I’m proud to be aligned with like-minded people who care enough to help others. Together we will create a meaningful experience for all participants, fight stigma, and educate people of what it means to live with HIV/AIDS. The Friends for Life Bike Rally truly changes lives!

    As long as there is a reason, we will ride!

  • This is my 8th straight year taking part in the Friends for Life Bike Rally in support of the Toronto People With AIDS Foundation (PWA), supporting people living with and fighting to end stigma around HIV/AIDS in our community.

    This cause is close to my heart; I've increased my involvement over the years and am honoured to be one of the Co-Chairs again for 2025.

    Having had the privilege of meeting and working with many community members throughout this time, I've seen first-hand how important and meaningful our support is to them. 

    I'm thrilled and honoured to co-chair this amazing event for 2024 and 2025, and very much looking forward to building on the incredible momentum of the past few years to make the Bike Rally bigger and better for years to come! 

  • This will be my 10th year involved in the "Friends For Life Bike Rally" and I’ve had quite a varied history with this annual fundraiser: several fundraiser shows, 1 yr as a rider, as well as 1 yr on Rustler crew, 6 yrs on Road Support crew, 4 yrs on Participant Engagement and 3 yrs on Steering Committee. 
    For the 27th year, I’ll be working on Community Engagement and this summer I’ll participate in the Road Support crew again, twerkin’ on the side assisting and cheering riders along the way.

  • Bio Coming Soon!

  • I am very excited to be part of this year’s Steering Committee This will also be my 10th year participating as a 6-day rider. The Bike Rally means so many things to me - it’s a physical challenge, an opportunity to learn and fight stigma associated with HIV, and most importantly, an enduring community of friends for life. I’m excited to be able to contribute back to the community as Co-Lead for Fundraising alongside Rob and Trevor.   If you are looking for fundraising insights, suggestions or help reaching your goals, please reach out to our experienced team at I look forward to making this incredible journey with you!

  • Hello , I am Rob Veinott (He/Him) and I am really excited to be riding for my 15th year and my first as a team captain along with my friend  Michael Shreve . I have gained so much by my participation in the event. I love the beautiful training rides near Toronto , I love the idea of going for a bike ride on a weekend morning with my friends and I have loved the many teams I have been on over the years.Thats a lot of love but if you have participated in the event you will know what I’m talking about and if you are a new rider I guarantee you will feel it.

    As a team captain I hope that we have fun together preparing for and during the event. I look forward to being with you at team socials and hopefully helping you put the fun in fundraising. And I hope you will help make this years event the best ever. And I will try to make sure to not get lost during the training rides but if I do and you follow me we will be lost together:-).

  • Hey Peeps! I’m Stiva (he/him), and I’m stoked to be back for my 8th year with the Bike Rally!

    Over the years, I've had the awesome privilege of diving into different roles—Crew, Rider, Ambassador, Captain and Sponsorship Lead—each one giving me a new perspective and so much joy. Every year is an adventure, and I’m thrilled to continue this incredible ride with you all.


    This year, I’m teaming up with Trevor to make sure you’re feeling prepped, pumped, and totally connected as you embark on this epic journey—whether it's your first time or you’re a seasoned pro.

    Can’t wait to meet each and every one of you! Let’s make this an unforgettable experience!

  • This year will be my 8th year participating in the Friends For Life Bike Rally and my 4th year on the Steering Committee. I look forward to helping create a most memorable experience for all rally participants new and returning. Please feel free to reach out if you have any ideas that you would like us to explore at this year's rally. I look forward to an amazing year ahead.

  • I’m excited to be back on my eighth Bike Rally. Riding for the first time in 2018, I have served the Rally as a team captain, co-lead of fundraising, and as a co-chair in the 2021 & '22 years. I am proud to return this year along with my friend Larry in the Participant Engagement role. We will bring cheer and put smiles on each of your faces as we organizing events before and during our 6-day adventure.

  • I have been riding with Friends for Life since 2005. As a life-long cyclist the Rally was a good fit. What I didn’t expect was the remarkably caring and open culture of the Rally, sharing the DNA of Toronto PWA. I have been a team co-captain for several years and have been enjoying working on the Training and Support portfolio.

  • This will be my 3rd year riding and first year as a member of the steering committee, as a co-lead on recruitment and retention.

    I am super excited to help this wonderful fundraiser reach new heights and grow our community.

    I initially joined the rally for the mental and physical challenge. I learned so much after each day of training, the socials, and the rally itself. I am very proud of everyone's commitment to the rally and the fundraising goals that are achieved.

    I look forward to riding with all of you and seeing you on the paths, breaks, trails, ferry, roads (on your left!) and relaxing in the campsites and enjoying some laughs.

  • After 12 years participating in the rally as a rider and many times as a team lead, this is my first time stepping up for steering committee!  I'm very excited to work on the recruitment and retention portfolio to keep the rally community strong and vibrant and reflective of the communities that PWA serves.

  • My name is Tak, and this will be my 5th year on the Friends For Life Bike Rally. I have been on the Nutrition Crew for all of those years. This year I'm Co-Leading with Julie Found.

    I didn't know what to expect on my first Rally, but was made to feel a part of something bigger than myself. The commitment and dedication I saw around me, inspired and continues to inspire me.

  • Entering my third year with the PWA bike rally, my past experiences with the wellness team have been truly rewarding. As a Wellness co-lead, I'm committed to ensuring an unforgettable and uplifting year, with the safety and well-being of all participants at the forefront.

  • This is John’s 8th year participating in the rally! 5 years riding, three with Wellness, and two years as part of steering committee. When not on his bike John is a nurse, an educator, and a performer. I like to be well rounded. Thrilled to be back with an amazing Wellness team!

  • This will be my 14th year of participating in the Friends for Life Bike Rally. After a brief break from a leadership role, I’m pleased to announce that I have joined the Steering Committee for the 27th year of the event, helping to lead the Road Support crew. Regardless of how we participate, whether as a rider or crew member, the important thing is that we’re participating. We share a common goal of raising awareness about HIV and AIDS and how there is still so much work to do in our communities to help break stigma and reduce the impact of the daily challenges faced by those living with HIV and AIDS. I look forward to helping the riders along the journey from Toronto to Montreal, and I’m really excited to start working with my fellow co-leads Connie Crosby and Ian Grant.

  • Connie Crosby has been both a rider and road support crew. This will be her 11th year participating in the Bike Rally. Connie was a team lead in 2023. She has also previously served on the Steering Committee as a co-lead of Participant Engagement.

    As one of your Road Support co-leads for 2025, Connie is keen on helping riders feel safe and supported on the Rally. Let’s make this year one of the best ever!

  • 2025 marks Ian’s 6th year with the Bike Rally. Four years as a rider, and 2 with Crew. He is very grateful for the opportunity to serve with the steering committee as one of three Road Support Co-Leads and looks forward to working with both Paul Dawson and Connie Crosby to make the Rally as safe and smooth as possible for all of you amazing riders!!

  • The 2025 Friends for Life Bike Rally will be my 22nd year with the Rustlers since 2001. I’m excited to be back and look forward to working closely with Vince Hughes and other crew leads again and building a great team of volunteers!

    I cannot say enough how incredible this event is. It’s extremely rewarding, both personally and spiritually. The energy of the Rally and excitement of the participants each year remind me why I returned after my first year. I continue to participate with inspired passion, thoughts and memories of dear friends, and the anticipation of new bonds and friendships! Here’s to 660 kilometers of smiles and cheers to the Bike Rally family!

  • Hello Everyone, I’ve had the pleasure of being involved in The Friends for life Bike Rally for three years. I’ve been a Rustler for two and rode for one. This year I’ve offered to help Co-Lead the Rustlers with Brent.

    I’ve been on our Steering Committee for Two years with Jehd on Community Engagement and enjoyed getting in touch with others about the great work we are doing. I’m looking forward to this 4th year and doing some awesome stuff!


  • Patric Senson (he/him) is excited to be back on the Steering Committee after a few years away from the Bike Rally Leadership. He's especially thrilled to be working with Simon, who was one of the first friends for life that he made on his first rally in 2009! Patric brings a range of experience to the role of Team Leader, with more than a decade of involvement with the Bike Rally, including as a team captain, a member of the steering committee and the board of the PWA. Patric has also been involved in volunteer leadership for over 30 years. He's looking forward to another fun year of making friends and memories on the 2025 Bike Rally.

  • I am so excited to be returning to the Friends for Life Bike Rally in support of people living with HIV/AIDS! It will be my 18th year with this incredible, life-enabling event!

    Since finding the strength to achieve the seemingly insurmountable challenge of riding a bicycle to Montreal, I've been captured by the inspiration and resilience of members of the family of HIV. 

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