Recruitment and Retention Co-Lead Opportunity

The Bike Rally is looking for a Recruitment and Retention Co-Lead as part of the Steering Committee. The success of the Rally is because of the volunteers who dedicate time to be part of the organization of the event and its growth. The Recruitment lead will have an active role in soliciting individuals to participate in the Bike Rally and work to create an impactful experience to retain active involvement.



- Responsible for setting the annual recruitment and retention strategy for growing the Bike Rally, in partnership with PWA.

- Organizes recruitment outreach activities and attending community events.

- Recruitment of Activation Volunteers.

- Create activation opportunities for sponsors.

- Attend Monthly Steering Meetings and individual planning meetings with Rally leadership.


If you are interested in being involved, please contact the Bike Rally Co-Chairs at


Welcome AIDS Life/Cycle Riders!


Bike Rally Awards