Social Activities

For additional fun during the Bike Rally, special events are planned, and special themes too!

Day 2 Evening

Lip Sync Assassin

We are thrilled to announce an exciting NEW evening event, Friends For Life Lip Sync Assassin! Since a lot of effort is put into prepping your fabulous fancy red dresses, we’d like to give you an additional opportunity to show it off, while joining in a fun drag competition! Click here for more info or ask your Team Captain how to participate.

Day 3 During the ride

Dress in Red Day

Participants wear a fun red get-up, because after all, red is the colour of HIV/AIDS awareness.

Day 3 Evening in Kingston

Drag in the Park
Tuesday, August 8th @7:00 PM,  Confederation Park, Kingston  Trellis HIV & Community Care, Tourism Kingston, and the greater Kingston community invites The Friends For Life Bike Rally to DRAG IN THE PARK, a showcase of fantastic (and slightly naughty)  entertainment under the open sky in Confederation Park (that's the big park between Kingston City Hall and Lake  Ontario). The show will start at 7:00pm on  the veranda of the Kingston Visitor  Information Centre. 
Join Kingston's own Miss Tyffanie Morgan, Rowena Whey and a star-studded array of local performers as they welcome the Bike Rally to Kingston. 

After the show head across the street to BEERS FOR QUEERS - THE BIKE RALLY EDITION a special edition of a local weekly event in our honour! Happening after 8:00 PM at Tir Nan Og Irish Pub inside the Prince George Hotel. 200 Ontario Street

Day 4 Evening

Candlelight Celebration
The Candlelight Celebration starts at  8pm and i1s an honoured Bike Rally  tradition. We commemorate those  we’ve lost to HIV/AIDS and celebrate  the advances we’ve made and continue  to make in the fight against HIV/AIDS  and the stigma associated with it.  Click here to sign up as a speaker and share your reasons for doing the Ride.

Day 5 Evening


We'll start the festivities at 8pm. The song list will be available after dinner for selecting your favorite tune and for signing up on the performers list. Click here to sign up as a participant in Karaoke

Join in the fun today!